Collectif Surnatural is an offshoot of Surnatural Orchestra, a large ensemble of creations with multiple identities. Cleverly blurring the lines, the orchestra invents projects in which music is of course predominant, but which also often flirt with many other forms: dance, circus, theatre, visual arts, socio-cultural events, transmission, etc.
Over the course of its existence, the orchestra has regularly opened up to other contributors, whether from within the musical group itself, or in response to one or other of its creations… Over time, this melting pot of people and skills has created an informal melting pot rich in people who invent, not necessarily always in close connection with the orchestra’s movements. So it seemed logical to give shape to these communicating vessels between the ensemble and this moving broth.
Collectif Surnatural is now not only the legal backbone of Surnatural Orchestra and its projects (which are desired and developed by a wider group of people than just the musicians in the orchestra), but also a structure for satellite proposals. The pooling of tools – offices, a rehearsal studio, technical equipment and skills, etc. – and a seasoned administrative team brings the collective closer to a production structure. As is the case within the orchestra, important decisions are taken horizontally. On a day-to-day basis, choices are made by the project promoters and the “office”, with a “delegation of trust” towards the collective. Satellite projects may have their own funding and their own members of staff, who are attached to the collective in a fraternal way, for all the emulation, mutual support and comfort this proximity brings…